GitKon Code of Conduct

We welcome you to GitKon, where all participants must conduct themselves in the spirit of kindness, inclusivity, and respect. Please review this Code of Conduct before engaging in the event!

Our Promise to You

We promise to make participation in GitKon a harassment-free experience for everyone regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

Our Standards

Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:

  • Using welcoming and inclusive language
  • Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
  • Focusing on what is best for the event
  • Showing empathy towards other event members

Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

  • The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
  • Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
  • Public or private harassment
  • Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
  • Solicitation of any kind
  • Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

Our Responsibilities

The GitKon Team at GitKraken is responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.

We have the right and responsibility to remove any event participant that does not adhere to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any event participant for other behaviors that are deemed inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.


This Code of Conduct applies specifically to GitKon and any related communication channels or events.


Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the GitKon Team at GitKraken via [email protected]. All complaints will be reviewed and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The review team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.

GitKon participants who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by the GitKon Team at GitKraken.


This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant homepage, version 1.4.


Git Essentials: Building Better Workflows with GitLens 16

Keith Daulton

Principal Software Engineer, GitKraken

Keith is a Principal Software Engineer at GitKraken with over 20 years of experience connecting design and development teams.

Formerly at Chewy, he now brings his expertise in modern web technologies to GitLens for VS Code, enhancing collaboration and productivity for millions of developers.


Keynote - Reimagining Developer Experience at AWS

Adam Seligman

VP of Developer Experience, AWS
Adam is the VP of Developer Experience at Amazon Web Services (AWS), where he leads our work to empower software developers, build a connected community, and bring their feedback to AWS service teams. With a background in product leadership and developer relations from companies like Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft, Adam is committed to putting developers at the center of AWS offerings.

How to Onboard New Devs to a Unified Developer Experience

Ed Frederici

CTO, Appfire
Ed is the Chief Technology Officer at Appfire where he oversees the company’s expanding portfolio and drives tech innovation. With over 18 years in executive roles, Ed has successfully led product strategies and large-scale integrations across major companies like Salesforce, Cheetah Digital, and Pacers Sports & Entertainment.

A DevEx Framework to Boost Team Productivity

Shashi Lo

Senior UX Engineer, Microsoft
Shashi is a Senior UX Engineer at Microsoft, passionate about coding, innovation, and empowering junior developers with tech insights and best practices. Outside of work, he enjoys quality time with his wife and four kids.

Silent Bugs, Loud Failures: Impact of Code Health on Developer Experience

Jai Pradeesh

Co-founder, DeepSource
Jai is the co-founder of DeepSource, a code health platform that empowers developers to write maintainable, secure code. Focused on developer tooling, Jai is dedicated to tackling the challenges of code quality and security at scale.

Harnessing the Cosmos: Launching Code for Space-Based Data Systems

Alex Theg

Software Engineer, Space & Sensors Division,
Alex is a founding software engineer in’s Space & Sensors division, where he leads the development of advanced software for high-impact projects like NOAA’s hurricane forecasting tools and the Pathfinder satellite series. With dual degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Alex is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of remote sensing applications.

Command & Conquer: Instant Productivity with the GitKraken CLI

Louis Sivillo

Software Engineer & Cloud Architect, GitKraken
Louis is a Senior Cloud Architect at GitKraken with over 20 years of experience in building scalable, resilient software. Specializing in cloud architecture and event-driven systems, Louis is passionate about creating customer-focused software and mentoring teams to deliver reliable solutions.

Build Your Own Mentor: Training an LLM on your First Day at Work

Kyle Fransham

SVP R&D, Superna
Kyle is the SVP of R&D at Superna, where he brings over 15 years of expertise in building high-performance applications for both public and private sectors. With experience spanning Silicon Valley research institutes and Canadian government tech initiatives, Kyle leads Superna’s cutting-edge software development efforts.

How I Prompted AI to Build a Pregnancy App I Could Trust

Rizel Scarlett

Staff Developer Advocate, TBD (Block)
Rizel is a Staff Developer Advocate at TBD, Block’s newest business unit, where she champions equity in tech through emerging technologies. With experience at GitHub, startups, and non-profits, she brings a practical approach to supporting early-career developers. Rizel also advises G{Code} House, an organization dedicated to teaching women and non-binary people of color to code.

From Good to Great: Unleash the Full Potential of your AI Coding Assistant

John Feeney

Principal Architect, CTO Office, Tabnine
John is a Principal Architect in the CTO Office at Tabnine, helping customers accelerate software development with AI. Based in Dublin, Ireland, John has a background in APM and DevOps tools, focusing on optimizing development workflows and operational efficiency.

Optimizing Workflows with GitKraken’s Automations

Jeff Schinella

Senior Product Director, GitKraken
Jeff is the Senior Product Director at GitKraken with over 12 years of experience bringing product ideas from 0 to 1. Known for his multi-disciplinary approach, Jeff combines product leadership, design, and user experience to create impactful developer tools.

AI-Driven Developer Productivity: The Future of DevEx

Eric Amodio

CTO, GitKraken
Eric is the Chief Technology Officer at GitKraken, an entrepreneur, and full-stack developer recognized with Microsoft’s MVP Award for Developer Technologies. In 2016, he created GitLens for Visual Studio Code, now one of the most popular Git extensions with over 30 million installs. Eric is passionate about advancing developer productivity, contributing to open-source, and innovating new tools to elevate software development.

Driving Developer Empowerment in the GenAI Era Through Docker’s Ecosystem

Mike Donovan

VP of Product, Docker
Mike Donovan is VP of Product at Docker, the leading platform designed to help developers build, share, and run container applications. After spending 15+ years as a Software Engineer in multiple industries, he transitioned into the role of Product Management. Before joining Docker as VP of Product, Mike was SVP of Product at Sauce Labs.

Beyond Branches: Streamline Your Development with Git Worktrees

Justin Roberts

Senior Product Director, GitKraken
Justin is a Senior Product Director at GitKraken, where he has shaped tools like GitKraken Desktop, GitKraken CLI, and GitLens. With a background in architecture, Justin brings a design-first approach to creating intuitive, user-centered software for developers.

Harnessing AI for Predictive Maintenance at Stratio: Scalable Systems and Enhanced Developer Experience

Giorgio Sarno

AI Team Lead, Stratio Automotive
Giorgio is the AI Team Lead at Stratio, where he develops machine learning early warning systems for the automotive industry. With a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Giorgio specializes in AI, anomaly detection, and the use of large language models in automotive applications.

Harnessing AI for Predictive Maintenance at Stratio: Scalable Systems and Enhanced Developer Experience

Luís Rosário

Machine Learning Engineer, Stratio Automotive
Luís is a Machine Learning Engineer at Stratio, where he develops scalable machine learning pipelines and automates workflows with advanced AI. He holds a Master’s in Computer Science from NOVA University Lisbon, with research in bioacoustic classification that earned him an honorable mention at EPIA 2023.

Does this DevTool Spark Joy? Enhancing Developer Experience to Uplift Engineering Culture

Jovana Dunisijevic

Senior Technical Evangelist, Atlassian
Jovana is a Senior Technical Evangelist at Atlassian with a background in platform engineering. She has led projects to optimize Jira Cloud migrations and scale cloud infrastructure, earning recognition as a finalist for Software Engineer of the Year at the 2022 Australia Women in Digital Awards.

Secure Together: Enhancing Developer-Security Collaboration

Stefania Chaplin

Founder, DevStefOps
Stefania, also known as DevStefOps, leverages her technical expertise and leadership to empower women in tech. A global speaker and advocate, she teaches skills in confidence, communication, and negotiation to help women thrive in the industry.

Advanced Coding: Visual Studio & GitHub Copilot

Frank Boucher

Cloud Advocate, Microsoft
Frank is a Cloud Advocate at Microsoft and the creator of the Cloud 5 Minutes YouTube channel, where he breaks down Azure concepts into quick, digestible videos. A four-time Microsoft Azure MVP, Frank loves building tools, contributing to open-source projects, and making the cloud more accessible.

Collaborative Storytelling in Code: Enhancing DevEx with Effective Git History

Jason Gates

Senior Member of the Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories
Jason is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories, where he’s spent the last decade guiding scientific software teams in adopting DevOps practices. He firmly believes that honing software engineering skills, especially with tools like Git, can greatly benefit teams across disciplines.

Get Better at Getting Better: Research-Backed Tips for High-Impact Tech Teams

Nathen Harvey

DORA Lead, Google Cloud
Nathen leads the DORA team at Google Cloud, where he makes research-backed insights on software performance accessible for tech teams everywhere. He’s co-authored several DORA reports and contributed to 97 Things Every Cloud Engineer Should Know.

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a GitKraken Power User

Kevin Bost

Senior Software Architect, IntelliTect
Kevin is a senior software architect at IntelliTect, a GitKraken Ambassador, and a Microsoft MVP. He’s an open-source maintainer, technical editor for the Essential C# book, and a live coder who shares his expertise on Twitch and YouTube.

How Generative AI is Transforming the Developer Ecosystem

Ambily Kavumkal Kamalasanan

Cloud Solutions Engineer, GitHub
Ambily is a Senior Cloud Solutions Engineer at GitHub with over 22 years of experience in Cloud and DevOps. She’s a certified Azure and DevOps Architect, passionate about helping developers through her work as a coder, writer, and YouTuber.

Automating Threat Modeling: Challenges and AI Solutions

Audrey Long

Senior Gaming Security Architect, Microsoft
Audrey is a Senior Gaming Cloud Security Architect on Microsoft’s Xbox Security team, specializing in secure coding solutions and threat modeling. She holds a Master’s in Cybersecurity from Johns Hopkins and is an ambassador for Google’s Women Techmakers program, dedicated to promoting diversity in tech.

Stay in the Zone: Automated Updates for Stakeholders (Without the Interruptions)

Bill Harding

CEO, Programmer, GitClear
Bill is the CEO and lead developer at GitClear, a tool helping thousands of developers achieve code clarity. Before GitClear, Bill bootstrapped and sold, an award-winning online marketplace. He’s been a lifelong developer, always ready to take on the next big tech challenge.

Building Adaptive Dev Teams in an AI-Driven World

Jeff Hollan

Director of Product, Snowflake
Jeff is a Director of Product at Snowflake, where he leads the developer platform and compute organization. Previously, he headed the serverless compute team at Microsoft Azure, co-creating CNCF’s KEDA project. Jeff regularly shares his expertise at major conferences, including Snowflake Summit and Kubecon.

Standardizing Developer Experience for Better Collaboration

Joyce Lin

Head of Developer Relations, Viam

Joyce leads Developer Relations at Viam, a robotics platform that connects software with machines in the physical world. Based in San Francisco, she’s also a TikTok creator, a devoted dog and cat mom, and a writer.